Regenerating positive energy in the office

At Apohair, we value the well-being and happiness of our employees. That’s why we have brought a lot of creative corporate culture activities to promote health, solidarity, and personal growth for the employees. Among these initiatives are the “Happy Time” and “Nourishing the Soul” programs.

Happy time

The “Happy Time” program encourages employees to exercise for 15 minutes in the morning and afternoon. This program aims to promote physical health and well-being, as well as foster a sense of solidarity and teamwork among employees. By taking a break from work to engage in physical activity together, employees can build stronger relationships and work more effectively as a team.

Soul nourishment

The “Nourishing the Soul” program promotes personal growth and emotional well-being, relieves stress, and finds peace of mind. This activity encourages employees to listen to spiritual podcasts that focus on nurturing the values of kindness, happiness, and living a good life. By providing a space for employees to reflect on their personal values and beliefs, this program aims to promote a positive and fulfilling work environment.

Through these corporate culture activities, Apohair is demonstrating its commitment to creating a positive and supportive work environment. By promoting health, solidarity, and personal growth, Apohair is fostering a culture of well-being and happiness, which benefits both employees and the organization as a whole.

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