How to tone down hair color that is too light – Easy tips at home

Lightening hair doesn’t always go as plan and it’s no doubt that it’s not easy to dye hair. Even when you have chosen the right color and appropriate process or the color is done by a professional stylist or at home, the result may not be as what you expected. So how to tone down hair color that is too light?

We have researched many documents to find the best ways to solve this problem. It’s high time for you to concern about this topic and read this article if your hair color is extremely light. When you get trouble with your hair after dyeing hair, surely that you will a bit hesitate to get to the salon because of the expense and the time waiting you need. It’s supposed that it’s very easy and simple to tone down hair color at home. Scroll down and here is the list of some tricks for the question “how to tone down hair color that is too light at home”

Dry your hair often

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The high temperature of the dryer can contribute to faster dyeing of the hair color. Especially if you dry when your hair is still wet, you can lose the color faster. So, after you wash your hair, it’s so helpful to use a hairdryer to reduce the color of your hair quickly.

However, you need to know that frequent washing and drying your hair also cause hair damage and dryness. So, remember to regularly take care and use hair care products to maintain moisture.

Shampoo daily

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In our opinion, washing your hair daily is one of the best solutions for the question “how to tone down hair color that is too light at home”. The more you wash your hair, the shorter your hair color will last. Therefore, if you want to tone down your hair quickly, it’s necessary to wash your hair daily.

This method looks simple but it’s quite harmful to your hair because the hair dye needs to be carefully groomed. When you plan to bleach your hair in this way, make sure to condition the hair and steam the oil regularly to keep it from drying out and damaging.

Hot olive oil

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Olive oil can be made hotter with a microwave or autoclave, and then your task is applying the oil to the dyed hair quickly and it will gradually fade. If you have a heater in your kitchen, you can do it by:

– Apply coconut oil or olive oil on the front hair thoroughly.

– Turn hot water on shampoo. Take care not to let the water get too hot, wash it at a moderate level.

Tone down the color of dyed hair with vinegar

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Most dyes can be washed away by permanent alkaline solutions. So it’s very effective and quite safe for us to remove dyed hair color with the acidity of the vinegar. You need to:

– Create a mixture of 3 tablespoons of vinegar and shampoo.

– Try evenly to the scalp until the soap bubbles come out.

– Clean with water 2-3 times until you observe that your hair is not colored.

Tone down hair color that is too light with apple jam

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It’s supposed to be effective and affordable to make your hair brighter with apple jam. You should set a mixture of 1 part of apple jam with five parts of water into the spray bottle and spray it on the scalp until the hair is absorbed.

Use baking soda

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Lemon and baking soda are ingredients containing natural bleach, so they are very helpful for beauty. Combine these two ingredients and you will have a quick and straightforward blend that reduces hair coloring.

– Combine these ingredients and dissolve the thick paste.

– Shampoo over the head with water, wait for the hair to drain, and then evenly apply the mixture just created.

– Use a clean towel wrapped on hair and incubated for about 20 minutes.

– Clean with warm water and wash as usual.

Try this method about 1 to 2 times per week and you will see the hair dyes significantly reduced color

Use washing powder to darken your hair

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Shampooing with washing powder seems so strange but if you want to own beautiful hair with satisfactory colors, don’t hesitate to take any safe methods!

It is a strong cleansing effect so to protect the safety of the skin and eyes, you should not wash your hair in the usual way. You need to wash your hair so that the detergent does not flow into the skin and scalp.

Here are some useful tips for you if you don’t know how to tone down hair color that is too light at home. Hope they will be effective and meaningful for you. If you interested in our article, follow our website APOSTORE.VN for more tips, news and how-to guides. Thank for your attention!!!

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